
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt issued a statement on Thursday belatedly joining calls by protesters for the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to immediately transfer power to a civilian government instead of sticking to the original plan...
Against the background of spiraling violence in Syria between troops loyal to the regime of president Bashar Assad and a strengthening opposition, as well as sectarian violence between confessional factions, the top Muslim cleric in the country,...
In another sign of the deep hostility Turkey’s Islamist led government has for Israel, Ankara has used its membership in NATO to demand that the Jewish State not be allowed to participate in the upcoming “Active Endeavor” naval...
Forces loyal to the regime of Syrian president Bashar Assad thrust into the city of Homs on Wednesday, using tanks, artillery and helicopter gunships to kill over 100 residents, according to opposition groups. According to eyewitnesses, Alawite...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a special plenum meeting in honor of the Knesset’s 63rd birthday on Wednesday, declaring that the Palestinian Authority has rejected the possibility of permanent peace with Israel by agreeing...
A report on CNN’s “Security Clearance” blog Tuesday indicated that the US is exploring multiple options for putting pressure on the regime of Syrian president Bashar Assad, including diplomatic and economic moves but also reviewing...
An event held on 1 February to commemorate the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran featuring a cardboard cutout of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini deplaning at Teheran’s international airport in a re-enactment of his return from exile 33 years ago...
Even as talk of war with Iran grows louder, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz ordered senior officers to prepare plans for a nearly complete stop to training and other activities on 1 April due to a shortfall in the defense budget. Gantz made...
Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi told Hezbollah-affiliate Al Manar TV on Monday that Teheran will continue to support the regime of Syrian president Bashar Assad because the "majority of Syrians still support the regime"...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted sharply to Monday’s report of a reconciliation agreement between the Palestinian Authority and the Islamist terror militia Hamas, declaring in an open message on the PMO’s website that...


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